We last posted a blog on team building in the USA in 2013. Since then, we have seen a significant rise in enquiries, resulting in regular trips across the Atlantic to deliver our unique interactive events. There is always something extra exciting about working in the States and we relish the opportunity for making new connections and bringing our ideas to life.
I was lucky enough on my very first visit to the USA to see it from a stunning vantage point. As a young drummer working on the famous ocean liner the QE2, as luck would have it I was bound for New York on my very first voyage. Looking out from the bow of the ship, I eagerly awaited any sight of land. The first thing I saw, as the mist rose, was the Statue of Liberty greeting me after five days at sea across the wild Atlantic.
Who would have thought that many years later, I’d have the opportunity to work across the country from Newark to the Beverly Hills Hotel in LA!
These days, we might not arrive in such romantic fashion but certainly still bring excitement and wonder within the work we do.
The main reasons we attract interest from the USA are the uniqueness of our team building activities and how they are produced, and the ease in which the events are organised. Word soon gets around that the facilitators and artists we use consistently wow audiences wherever they go. They always leave fantastic event memories and ‘lock in’ whatever conference messages are required. Event organisers have enough on their plates sorting out presentation content, venue issues, transport and food. By providing no-fuss team activities that seamlessly fit into an agenda, we seem like a blessing!
So what have we been doing in the United States in the last few months?
I spent Paddy’s Day in Chicago, unleashing hundreds of pairs of rubber gloves on an unsuspecting conference. America might be the birthplace of Rhythm and Blues, but only we import back to them rhythm and rubber with our Clap Happy event!
From the urban streets of grimy south London, we sent over to sunny California our very own World Champion Beat Boxer. It may have been his unassuming surprise presence in the conference room, or the unbelievable sounds and beats of his opening performance, but I think it was his British accent that won the audience over to create one huge human beat box orchestra.
We also had a One Voice event just outside New York and lots of separate drumming events all over the East Coast. I know we will be back across the pond very shortly as we have many pending enquiries. Until then, may we wish our transatlantic clients and colleagues all the best and hope to see them very soon.
For more information, please Contact Us.
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