Clients expect us, as external facilitators, to bring all the transformational fun and positive energy to every team building session. We have the experience and that is what we are paid to do. However, we wouldn’t be able to do this as effectively without the many people that step forward and try something new. In [Continue Reading]
Surprising Team Building
About 95% of the activities we deliver are kept completely secret from participants. So, when participants walk in or fully realise what is about to happen to them, the surprise is total. Clients love this option to create an immediate impact and so do we! Imagine that you and your team have been in a [Continue Reading]
Striving for a Perfect Team Building Event
I always strive for a perfect team building event. However, anyone who regularly organises team building events knows that there are often last-minute obstacles and the need to jump through at least a few hoops before successful completion. In the past, we have been faced with clients slashing their budgets overnight (yet still expecting the same [Continue Reading]
Welcome to 2012!
It’s ‘all systems go’ on our first day back after the holiday as we prepare for some exciting activities in January. We’re looking forward to another challenge-rich year ahead, offering an even broader range of team building activities and putting together many unique bespoke team sessions. We have begun the new year with final preparations for [Continue Reading]
Final Thoughts for 2011
As I sit here waiting for the theming to be arranged in an empty ball room, I thought I would use the time to reflect on the past year. Today is our last corporate event of the year. In under four hours, all 30 tables will be decorated and in place around a huge dance floor [Continue Reading]