A zombie Thriller team building activity, ice breaker or energiser
In our popular Thriller team building activity, your team learns and performs its own dance spectacle. Your participants choose between learning the famous zombie routine or working ‘backstage’. Participants are often amazed at how professional they look and are so proud of their achievements in such a short space of time. Thriller provides a true demonstration of the power of teamwork and our expert facilitators. We guarantee that you’ll be delighted with your Thriller event.
Please get in touch for help, ideas or more information, whatever stage you are at planning your next event. Full contact details are on our Contact Us page. We can provide a no-obligation quote within an hour. Get a Quote now.

10 to 200

30 mins to 3 hours

Our flexible, zoned approach always makes Thriller a hit
This can be a one- or two-zone activity. Members of your team can choose between dancing the famous zombie dance routine or working backstage on costumes and make-up. There’s something for everyone:
Zone One – Thriller dance! In zone one, participants transform from real people into zombies in 45 minutes! Our resident Pop Choreographer will take them through their ‘zombie’ paces as they learn the moves to the Thriller dance. All left feet welcome!
Zone Two – costume making and stage make-up (zombie-fying!). Our creative costume designer/make-up artist, who has worked on many different shows and music videos, will teach your group how to create that perfect, scary “zombie” look. Participants will also be given various pieces of material and fabrics and themed costume to put together their zombie look.
A scarily good finale performance
After completion of the zones, the Thriller event will culminate in the ultimate tribute to the King of Pop – a spectacular finale performance.
We are happy to adapt the event to suit your requirements and can add all sorts of extras, such as:
– moody lighting
– smoke/fog effects
– graveyard props.
Please contact us for help, ideas or a quote
“We’d love to help you, whatever stage you are at planning your next event. We’re happy to provide further information, ideas or a quote. You can get in touch by entering your details below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
Lisa Hayes, Director of Creative Team Events
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You can also contact us by phone and email. Full contact details are on our Contact Us page.
We can provide a no-obligation quote within an hour. Get a Quote now.
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