It’s a relatively gloomy time for many companies and organisations, with great uncertainty about the future economy and whether we are heading towards another recession. Equally, many individuals are facing falling living standards, reduced pensions and diminished job security. In this environment, it’s reasonable to question the value of team building activities.
We have found that, at times of economic stress, effort to bring teams together is even more important than during the good times. People are the most important resource for any type of organisation, and activities aimed at strengthening teamwork significantly help to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
Team building activities help to resolve conflict, remove barriers and enhance communications. If groups have been changed or reduced in size, they can aid people to reconnect with their colleagues and quickly establish close working relationships with unfamiliar people.
Perhaps more importantly, such activities help to boost morale and commitment in the most challenging times, and give organisations the opportunities to thank their people in an extremely cost-effective way. Despite the significant economic challenges being faced my many, it’s fantastic to see the smiles on participants’ faces in our sessions. For the short duration of a typical session, people can get lost in the particular activity, and simply enjoy themselves in the company of their colleagues. Our activities are designed to encourage creative thought, so that can people can start to think about creative solutions to their current challenges.
With pressure on company budgets, there’s no doubt that exotic, high-cost retreats will increasingly be questioned. We see this as a welcome opportunity for companies to reassess their needs, and see it as a clear opportunity for us. Our strategy is to deliver cost-effective team building activities that don’t cost the earth, but are extremely effective.
Rather than involving very expensive equipment, our sessions necessitate little in the way of props and equipment. For example, our Clap Happy event only requires a pair of coloured rubber gloves for each participant. Minimising transport costs, hundreds of boomwhackers for our boomwhacker option can be easily transported worldwide in a suitcase.
If you are worried about the cost of accommodation for a group away-day, we’re happy to deliver a fun and highly-interactive group session in your office.
So, please seize the benefits of an expertly facilitated session. Not only will it motivate your group, but it may just provide people with the necessary skills and enhanced personal relationships to generate a breakthrough in your business.
For more information about our team events, please Contact Us now.
Pages you may be interested in:
List of Our Indoor Events | Team Building Events | Blog Homepage | Boomwhackers | Clap Happy