We have learned over the years that working closely with event venue staff can have a huge positive influence on the success and smooth running of a teambuilding event or conference, greatly improving the experience of participants. As team event providers, we are always mindful that bringing team building activities into a hotel or conference centre has to be as slick and unobtrusive as possible.
Because of the creative nature of most of our activities, there is always some access needed and, quite often, equipment to bring in. We try to work closely and flexibly with venue staff to ensure that everything goes without a hitch.
A perfect example was a large drumming event, held this week. With over 250 participants in four separate breakout rooms, we had lots of equipment to quickly distribute in and around the hotel.
I noticed that instead of blocking the hotels corridors and fire exits with mountains of our wonderful drums, we could create a human chain and easily pass the instruments through the large windows straight into the rooms. The venue manager was more than pleased that the five-star ambience would not be altered and we also avoided a very convoluted way to get our drums in.
Because of the fast room turnaround needed after our mass-drumming finale to set up the main plenary room for dinner, we further assisted venue staff by simply having our ecstatic drumming participants leave their drums at one side of the room. This enabled venue staff to crack on almost immediately with the room set up.
These easy logistic remedies made for smiles all round and a good working environment. We left that event, having delivered a fantastic time for our clients, with the thanks and respect from the venue staff.
It’s not just about easy access, set-up and clearing away. Team activities themselves can produce sounds and sights within the building so having an honest and flexible working relationship with venue staff is essential. We are forever hearing from venue managers horror stories of event companies disrupting other nearby meetings or other careless actions. It’s not rocket science. Thinking about the needs of venue staff can gain you important allies. Ultimately, venue staff possess the power to make your life as easy or as difficult as they wish!
I’ll let you know next week how well we work with the venue with nearly 2,000 delegates…
For more information about our events, please Contact Us now.
Pages you may find interesting:
Drumming Events | List of Indoor Events | Blog Homepage | Conference Ice Breakers