We’ve had a few weeks of relatively large conferences where we have been asked to deliver activities to groups of 300 or more delegates. With additional Haka and One Voice team singing events going on too, it’s been all go! There is something undeniably impressive when large groups combine their efforts to play, perform and respond together as one.
When there is a big group involved, some organisers do not consider having team building activities, energisers or ice breakers, fearing high costs. This is a shame since our ice breakers and team building events for large groups are not only unforgettable spectacles but can be very affordable, particularly when you work out the cost on a per head basis.
We focus on entertaining and inspiring so many people at once using relatively few facilitators and expensive equipment, and without the need for additional breakout rooms.
Clients can choose from many different events for large groups. We have specially adapted many of our team activities to suit a vast working environment and the logistical needs of big participant numbers.
Here are just a few of the bigger events we have been involved with in the last week.
I took a trip to a bitterly cold Vienna with four huge bags of boomwhackers. When I met the Managing Director of the client organisation, he pointed to the ballroom of the hotel and, with raised eyebrows, asked me if I was simply going to walk in with the bags and entertain 400 people for an hour on my own. “Yes”, I replied, and I did!
In the same week, and in 40 minutes, our Thriller team transformed a tightly-packed conference room of over 700 delegates into a sea of writhing zombies. Given the limited time and space, we had re-choreographed the Thriller dance into a more static, theatre-style seating affair. We put strips of material under each chair that made our well-turned-out audience look much more decayed and distressed. With the addition of some basic horror make up, we had a colossal creepy performance.
With our Junk Funk and Street Moves team on stage performing an early morning wake up for over 400 delegates, we revived and woke up the audience further by teaching some basic body percussion and human beat box action!
These types of events deliver maximum impact with little or no equipment to cause logistical concerns or time delays. This means that the next speaker can ride the wave of fantastic team spirit that has been generated in the room without losing momentum or time moving, storing, or negotiating around, equipment.
So, if you are planning a future conference, team building event or other off-site event, please don’t be put off by scale or fear of high costs. I urge you to Contact Us now and just think big!
Pages you may find interesting:
Team Building for Large Groups | Blog Homepage | Conference Ice Breakers | List of Our Events