With only hours to go before the year is out, I always think it’s important to look back and reflect before we leap into a fresh new start. I’m sure people in many industries are the same, but I know that most people in the corporate events industry give all their energy and focus to each [Continue Reading]
15 Years Ago, a Team Building Company Was Born
In the last two weeks, we have had a whirlwind of events. Every day, our teams have been zooming up the M6, M1 and most of the A roads in between to deliver exciting team building activities, conference energizers and evening events. We have been using boomwhackers with many hundreds of people. Our Crashing Waiters have been entertaining [Continue Reading]
The Calm Before the Storm
August is always a quiet month for the events industry as, simply, most people are on holiday! Very few meetings or conferences are booked in this month. Like most corporate event companies, it is all go for most of the year with almost no time to catch your breath. While this is exciting and what we [Continue Reading]
A Week of Happy New Clients
This has been a week of three new clients and three successful events. Whenever we start a relationship with a new client, I personally feel a huge responsibility to win trust and exceed expectations. I’m sure we all have that wish in business but, because I am a Head Facilitator as well as one of the [Continue Reading]
Client List Brings Back Memories
Almost by accident this week, I looked at our client list on our website. I’m sure it’s the same for many of us when we sometimes overlook the legacy of what we do and all the companies that have used our services over the years. As I glanced at the list, I was instantly flooded with [Continue Reading]
Watch, Like or Follow Creative Team Events
The world of communication is constantly changing, and there is a growing number of ways to find information on team events and interact with us. In this article, I wanted to remind you of all the communication and information mechanisms we now have in place. Our constantly-updated website at www.creativeteamevents.com now has hundreds of pages [Continue Reading]
2013 Starts with a Bang
Welcome back everyone and happy new year to you! As the world’s markets wobble and financial uncertainty continues to reign in the UK and many other countries, we will continue with our simple, but effective, strategy that has seen us through the years. That is to carry on being super consistent with the quality of our [Continue Reading]
Here’s to 2012!
So here we are again – the last blog of the year! As 2012 comes to a close, I want to look back and remember some special moments and to thank certain people that do fantastic work. Early in the year, Tony designed and built our amazing drum trolley that has been used in our Crashing [Continue Reading]
A Week in the Life of Creative Team Events
As the year comes to a close and some companies are winding down, these last few weeks have been wonderfully busy for us. This particular week began with Lisa on a two-day film shoot for an upcoming conference, working with actors and senior managers through to the early hours to create relevant visual messages for [Continue Reading]
London Requiem, Dedicated to George David Hunter
Last Saturday evening, I attended, with my wife and daughter, a very special musical event at which composer Benjamin Till premiered his London Requiem. Benjamin is an award-winning composer, director, film maker and musician. He is the epitome of creativity and a great inspiration to our company. When he is not writing for the BBC, working [Continue Reading]